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Local Media Highlights New Firm Office, Installation of Historic Arcadia Sign

Local Media Highlights New Firm Office, Installation of Historic Arcadia Sign

Local Media Highlights New Firm Office, Installation of Historic Arcadia Sign

Martin Walker PC is committed to preserving Tyler’s history, while embracing its future.

As new construction projects reshape the local courthouse square, trial lawyers Reid Martin, Jack Walker and Marisa Allen are stepping up to maintain as much of the iconic skyline as possible for future generations.

Part of that involved moving the neon sign that once hung above the old Arcadia Theater – where the firm’s office on the square was located – to its new location, above the new offices on the square.

Read more from these media outlets:

Law firm preserves Arcadia Theater sign in downtown Tyler – CBS19

Old Arcadia Theater sign re-installed to Tyler square – KLTV

Martin Walker law firm displays historic Arcadia sign at new office building – Tyler Morning Telegraph (subscription required)