Medication Errors and the Relation to Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice usually brings to mind errors made during an operation, but prescription errors can also be a result of medical malpractice. When a doctor decides on what medication to prescribe to their patient, it becomes a powerful tool for that person to overcome their illness or disease. One thing to keep in mind is that each person is different and they may have reactions to medications that are unpredictable to even the best doctor. East Texans need to be aware that if they suffer from an adverse side effect from a medication it is possible that you or a loved one has suffered from medical malpractice.
It’s important in these situations to not jump to any conclusion prematurely. There are several things to keep in mind when you are considering the possibility that you or a loved one has suffered from medical malpractice. You will need to be able to prove some of the things listed below:
1. You were an official patient of the doctor who prescribed the medication
2. The doctor or pharmacist was acting negligently when serving you
3. Injuries were caused to you due to the negligent behavior
4. Damages resulted from the injuries that were caused
Medical Errors can occur if a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist prescribes the wrong dose or even the wrong drug to a patient. However, there are many other errors related to medication that can be caused by these mistakes.
1. The wrong medication was prescribed by the doctor
2. The pharmacist filled the prescription with the wrong medication or drug
3. The wrong dose for the medication was prescribed
4. The pharmacist filled the wrong dose amount of the medication or drug
5. The pharmacist provided the patient with the wrong instructions for the medication
6. The doctor or pharmacist gave medication to the wrong person to whom it was originally intended
7. The wrong drug or combination of drugs was administered to the patient
It can be a difficult process to prove that a professional was acting negligently when they prescribed your medication. This is because when a doctor is prescribing medication they usually focus on the patient’s current issues and any relevant medical history, and are very careful. This is why it’s important to call skilled lawyers who are experienced in dealing with these types of situations. At Martin Walker Law we know that this situation is capable of causing severe and permanent damage to a person. Don’t hesitate to call us and get justice for yourself or your loved one. (903) 526-1600